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Clear Clear
Currently: 32, Min: 77.7, Max: 77.7
32.0°F  steady


Feels like: 32°F
Inside: 32.0°F
  High Low
Today: 77.7°F (12:02 am) 77.7°F (12:02 am)
Yesterday: 77.7°F (12:00 am) 77.7°F (12:00 am)
Month: 77.7°F (Dec 1) 77.7°F (Dec 1)
Year: 100.0°F (May 30) 38.8°F (Jan 21)
Last year: -1766.2°F (7:00 pm) 1830.2°F (7:00 pm)


Rain Today:0.00 in

Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in

Yesterday:0.00 in

This Month:0.00 in

Season Total:38.05 in



0.0 mph

0 Bft

0.0 mph

Gust today:
0.0 mph at 12:02 am


Sun:   sunrise  7:07 am sunset  5:35 pm

Daylight hh:mm 10:28 ( -1 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  10:18 am moonset  8:42 pm

Waxing Crescent,  13% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: steady 0%

Dew Point: steady 32.0°F

Barometer: steady 0.00 inHg

Trend: Steady

UV Index Forecast more information

UV Index Forecast more information

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available

No data was retrieved for https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select+%2A+from+weather.forecast+where+woeid%3D2472637&format=xml&u=f

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 0 day forecast for N4GD Weather Station

date forecast icon low high

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(v2) Yahoo Forecast for  updated 

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Davis VP2
